嘗試跳脫傳統以「邏輯」的方式做設計,嘗試使用「類比」,如同 Aldo Rossi 描述 Canaletto 的畫作“無法用言語描述”,歷史也不只是由言語描述將事實構成,還有許多事物,包括圖像、物、空間、記憶甚至精神。 迪化街是過去代表台灣的第一街,其空間精神蘊含深厚台灣文化的空間氛圍,所以以迪化街作為空間實驗對象,試著創造出新興的建築但卻擁有過去的氛圍,以至於傳承和復興過去臺灣的精神文化... 基地設立於迪化街城隍廟旁,是整條迪化街起頭的部分,使無論是遊客或是來採買年貨的人,來到迪化街的第一眼、和逛完迪化街離開的最後一眼都是這座建築物,加深人們對迪化街的意象。 空間計畫為展覽空間,過去的舊街道過於狹窄,因此造成有一些表演直接在街上進行,造成嚴重的交通問題,或是過去的布袋戲空間移至隔壁永樂市場9樓使得布袋戲文化館變得只有目的性的人才會底抵達接觸,因此被邊緣,希望建立一座展覽館解決這些問題。 利用手繪去「捕捉」「轉化」「重新解讀」將空間經驗、元素等理性化並轉化成為空間生產的過程,創造出過去迪化街的空間氛圍,遠看是迪化街的建築元素,近看卻是熟悉又陌生,保留舊有的空間氛圍卻又是一座 21 世紀的新建築。例如:遠看是用過去的材料製成(磚塊和洗石子)但建築整體卻是漂浮得感覺(包括磚牆和屋頂空間),導致形成一種周遭老建築力學感是往下的,而這座建築的力學卻是漂浮的,因此造成熟悉又陌生。 以類比的方式讓人們看這座新建築時能夠感受到迪化街的空間氛圍,期許以這座建築為第一範例,讓後續若有人改建或重建位於迪化街的建築,就能夠以此來承傳迪化街的空間氛圍,像是迪化街特有元素的轉化包括牌樓的裝飾、三連窗、狹長的街屋、街道騎樓、拱廊、承重牆等,亦或是過去的承重牆因需承重導致街屋和街屋之間是完全分割,而這座建築保留過去承重牆的分割氛圍,但是空間因是21世紀的鋼柱結構而互相打通使展覽動線順暢。
The theme of the thesis begins with my affection towards anonymous architectures – a vanishing part of Hong Kong’s urban jigsaw puzzle. Whereas the investigation of the thesis starts with a metaphor – by describing these urban elements as “symbionts”. “Architectural Symbionts” in this thesis are anonymous architectures, usually occupied by old local stalls, that were not planned as part of the host’s design ahead of its construction. They are spatially and structurally attached to a host building and are dependent on its infrastructure. The symbionts are unnoticeably hidden and scattered in different urban underrated spaces within the city. - This thesis aims to unveil the overlooked value of this specific type of informalities within the context of Hong Kong. Unlike well-planned top-down urban elements, the symbionts are organic architectures since they are self-initiated by citizens. They showcase the people’s direct responses to the existing urban spatial realm and social conditions. These informalities are an essential part of Hong Kong’s urban jigsaw puzzle, for they contribute to the unique streetscape, and represent the regional characteristics that distinguish the city from any other modern metropolis. They require more attentions and documents before their vanishment within the city. - To enable an easier understanding towards the uniqueness of this specific type of organic architectures, the thesis began with a metaphor – the “Symbionts”. The metaphor is not simply poetic, but the biological term shapes the investigation methodology of the thesis. The strategies of studying biological symbionts are adapted in this thesis as a method to establish the investigation on Architectural Symbionts. By collecting fragments of historical evidence and observing their urban site patterns, the thesis aims to trace the hidden codes and logic behind the “organic” features, and to investigate possible potentials for informalities to be sustained within the urbanised city. It also criticizes the invisible capitalist force that undermines the regional urban characteristics, by imposing homogeneous planning and designs. The thesis further proposes that such methodology of tracing hidden logics behind organic architecture can be applied to sustain of any other urban informalities. By tracing and revealing the mechanisms behind their existence, the thesis highlights their connection to the neighbourhoods and even the entire city. It further highlights their value in utilizing underestimated urban voids, and the way they challenge spatial values by maximizing functionality within limited areas. If the existence of symbionts is mutually beneficial to our city, should we embrace natural invasion? - The thesis is composed of three main parts: 1. A taxonomic documentation on existing symbiotic stalls in a catalogue booklet – to raise public awareness on the vanishing urban fabric. 2. A trace of hidden codes behind the nurturance of symbionts in specific sites – to deconstruct the logic and patterns behind the “organic”. 3. A search on new potentials within the city – to promote the importance of sustaining organic architecture, and to criticize the homogeneous planning and designs that undermines regional urban characteristics.
依 Edmond Beckon 在 Design of City一書中所述,文藝復興前歐洲小城鎮多半為 Compression 擠壓式的生成型態,是一種不規則但同時會產生出十分人性化的都市空間;這樣的描述對彰化老城而言也非常貼切。從市鎮發展型態的角度來看,早期彰化應該是在幾個區塊中順著廟宇的興建和市集的產生同時展開的。也因此狹小巷道隨著各宮廟應運而生並串接在一起。隨著時間,各類交通工具的演進影響都市發展的型態;較後期的都市計劃從火車站和交通運輸脈絡的方便性出發,由寬廣直通的道路取代舊有的不規則,切割出來新的幾何型態和舊的巷弄交織出豐富多元並充滿趣味性的現象。這樣的交錯是一種對話;而追尋、探討、找出其間新的生命與次序是我畢業設計面對的挑戰。 在小心翼翼的找出消失中彰化老城小巷弄的紋理後,藉著彰化特有的宗教活動與商業習慣做了大膽的嘗試,預測這些紋理在恢復、或增加關鍵設施後會如何刺激繼之而來更具有創意性的進展。這是一種預測並催化都市空間良性循環的方法。所以全案沒有驚人的建築造型,沒有偉大的宣言,沒有炫麗奪目的論述,卻將一群建築元素與街道家具非常人性化的組合再置入一座老城中,回歸人本和自然。
這個畢業論文作品設想了一個另類的循環建築周期,被拆解的混凝土成為了建築師的設計工具。它並不局限於單一的建築物,也不限於在香港,而是考慮到套用在全球範圍,畢竟混凝土是現今最常見的建築材料,基本上屬於都市的本土材料了。 除了把現有回收的混凝土碾碎成碎片回收,我們還可以利用這些建築資源創造出什麼新的建築形態?舊的混凝土塊可以有哪些設計語言去升級改造? 升級再造被解構或拆解的混凝土塊實際上是一種挪用的行為。挪用需要一種「只運用手上所擁有」的方法論和態度,一種包容偶然性和機率的設計。這個畢業作品引導建築師成為拼裝匠:根據現有的資源去創作,包括利用一系列的物件,殘骸和碎片;先要有工具和材料的考量,後有項目的考慮;以建築師自身的感知和想象力為信條。
The Barishal River port in Bangladesh has been a crucial hub for waterway transportation for over 150 years, connecting Dhaka with the southern region. Despite its historical significance, the port faces limited capacity and outdated infrastructure challenges. In a country like Bangladesh where water transportation is essential due to vulnerability to flooding, the port plays a vital role in providing a sustainable mode of transportation. With its strategic location and connectivity, the port offers growth opportunities for riverine tourism and meets evolving demands. Despite the construction of the Padma Bridge in 2022, and the shifting of passengers towards by-road transit, the port remains a key gateway for trade and transportation due to its importance as a transit hub. This thesis proposes reimagining the port terminal so that water transit can be revived with further possibilities by creating a user-friendly masterplan that focuses on seamless connectivity, placemaking, riverbank protection, and establishing the port as a city landmark. To enhance economic growth, it suggests repurposing water terminals for uninterrupted transportation and urban facilities within domestic districts. The concept for this thesis focuses on harmoniously integrating port facilities with the urban fabric and waterfront, creating a public realm that is accessible, safe, inclusive, and sustainable. Inspired by local literature, the design aims to evoke emotion and a sense of place through poetic spaces that reflect the essence of Barishal. These spaces include an inviting entry plaza, rooftop gardens, rain courtyards, riverfront decks, food courts, a promenade, a children's play zone, a tree-shaded reading space, a library & archive, and a historic paddle steamer exhibit, celebrating the scenic beauty and greenery of Barishal. By incorporating elements from famous local poets like Jibananoda Das, the port terminal serves as a gateway that offers visitors a glimpse into the city's culture and history. Through this design approach, the port becomes a unique and immersive experience that showcases the beauty and uniqueness of Barishal. The proposed riverfront promenade, "Jolshiri", connects to nearby "Muktijoddha Park" with walkways, cycle lanes, and floating decks. Pocket spaces along the promenade offer opportunities for vendors, cycle parking, and shaded seating. The terminal's roof design, inspired by the river's waves, features four segments representing fluidity and interconnectedness. Tree-like columns evoke the region's natural beauty, creating a serene atmosphere reminiscent of Barishal's poetic charm. The project includes zoning for passenger terminals, cargo handling, administrative support, parking, a mosque, recreational activities, commercial spaces, and public areas, promoting urban connectivity. The design prioritizes accessibility and walkability through a network of walkways, stairs, bridges, and ramps, meeting sustainable development goal 11.7. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation has been carefully planned to prevent traffic conflicts and ensure smooth arrival and departure. The design includes amenities such as restrooms, seating, food outlets, cafes, and retail shops, along with spacious waiting areas and parking facilities on land and water for passenger and cargo handling efficiency. The project aims to create job opportunities and economic development by offering diverse income-generating facilities within the port. By adopting a collaborative approach, the design strategy supports cultural preservation, boosts tourism, and safeguards the region's heritage. The port is envisioned as a vibrant trade, transit, and recreation center, enhancing connectivity and fostering economic growth while upholding societal, cultural, and environmental values.
台灣島形成的地質年代、原住民時期、大航海時代與清領初期、日據時代與戰後美援時期,一直到現今的全球化浪潮與城市斷裂,幾乎每個階段的台灣史,都在北投留下痕跡;北投可以被稱為「台灣歷史的縮影」。 面對新北投鐵路端點的北投公園,承接著由地熱谷源頭流淌而下的磺水,並與北投公共浴場共生,如同一座島嶼,蓬勃的生長也影響著周邊的活動。北投公園獨有的自然條件與百年間沉積的人文景觀,形成無法被複製的肌理,其中微小的「變」與「不變」,具有物質上和時間維度上的厚度;於是,北投公園是獨特的厚場地,是一座「記憶之島」。 北投公園內的磺水在百年前將島嶼的兩岸清晰的劃開,南側與北側的生活受到邊界的限制,但隨著時間推移、城市發展,島嶼周邊不再有高度差異,島內的南北向連結開始被強調;現今的北投公園被這些短向路徑劃開,這些向度指示著當代需求,且在做為動線的同時,也是讓我們閱讀到場地厚度的機會。 設計基地設定在北投兒童樂園、北投公園(溫泉博物館與台北市立圖書館北投分館間)南北向路徑及天狗庵舊址,以連續性場域討論歷史場所、穿越的過程與現代生活的關係;以線的力量,重新定義文化記憶載體。
16世紀科學革命,人類開始追求測量的精確度,並以可量化單位為基礎,競逐極致的尺度;18世紀工業革命,人類以快速、省力為首要目標,為追求大量的生產,直觀的手作行為開始被以機械語言轉譯;技術革命使我們對於所創造出的物件、建築、及對環境產生的影響感到疏離,雙手與物件間呈現不直觀的連結性,目的論使我們在始與末之間留下許多不解的空白,集體社會卻避而不談這些看不清也說不明的問題。 在當代,那些巨大到足以對人體、心理產生無以名狀震懾感的大型物件,被以Mega Structure概述,但究竟何謂MEGA? 何謂BIG? 唯有在觀看過程中,透過不斷比對而產生的相對性,才有機會使這些具比較性質的詞彙有衡量的參照基準,進而與身體尺度建立連結。 選擇將正面臨定位轉換的MEGA INFRASTRUCTURE作為演繹當代巨大性的實驗場域,討論能源設施除了消極作為生產用途的邊緣人造地景外,能否藉由轉型過程中的變動性,揭露那些既存在卻刻意被忽視的、被隱沒而未曾被察覺的空間;並利用基地本身孤立於城市涵構的特性,置入無法被現有城市接納的PROGRAM,積極地迫使人類反思自身與社會現象的意義。
【应对问题】 本作品主要应对“存量更新”,覆盖城市更新、单体建筑改造两部分工作。 【改造背景】 当今“存量更新”成为城市重要议题,典型现象之一即为:大量90年代所建商圈衰落、高层空置,成为城市商业和公共空间的活力低谷。本作品结合这一典型问题,与“毗邻苏州古城”的独特区位,给出了“高密度城市人群下的苏式理想模型”,作为综合商业、历史、时间性的解答。 【改造目的】 城市更新部分,对于”阊门-石路“片区,即”古城外衰落商圈“的典型,针对性地研究、设计、改造,提出兼顾“节事-日常”的城市更新方案;单体建筑改造部分,选取”石路国际“(20层高层)建筑,即”亟需更新的高层建筑典型“,打造兼顾多种功能与漫游体验的”垂直城市“。 【改造手法】 对于苏州古城的阊门-石路地区,研究其过去作为漕运、交通、商业中心,具有的丰富而深刻的历史价值,总结日常业态升级策略、节庆期间商业机会。从日常-节事的人群活动出发,发展城市更新策略,形成休闲商业环、演艺轴与新节事巡游路线。 在此基础上,对石路步行街中心的石路国际部分建筑进行改造,以中心戏台为核心,将非遗商业、茶场书馆、办公、酒店等业态重新布局,安排城市人流,利用高层景观资源回应阊门景观,采用垂直城市、叠落园林等策略,将苏州的空间形态融入城市商业活动中。 回应日常与节事的转换,建筑设计中步行街、城市书店、大台阶等诸多空间,都将在节庆期间转换为城市事件的舞台。将石路国际单一、封闭、扁平化的状态,转变为:平面适宜漫游,立面展示活动,层间联系丰富的“苏式”容纳公共生活的“垂直万象“。